All About You and Your Body - Felicity Brooks, Usborne Publishing Ltd

E-shop All About You and Your Body - Felicity Brooks, Usborne Publishing Ltd

All About You and Your Body - Felicity Brooks, Usborne Publishing Ltd

13,25 €

All About You and Your Body - Felicity Brooks, Usborne Publishing Ltd je v e-shopu Knihyprekazdeho v kategorii knihy za cenu 13,25 €. Všechny knihy koupíte online v internetovém obchodě Knihyprekazdeho, kde máme další zboží od značky Slovart.

Kategórie: Knihy

Young children will enjoy this lively look at all the incredible things the human body can do, what it needs to stay healthy and how to look after it. The wide-ranging topics such as senses, germs, feelings, exercise, food, sleep and toothcare are all brought to life by the delightful illustrations. There's a celebration of different body shapes and sizes and information about why bodies look different including skin colour, disability, hair type and age.The book also explores how bodies grow and change as children get older.

Obchod Knihyprekazdeho
Kategórie Knihy
Značka Slovart

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