Thinking Objects - Tim Parsons, AVA Publishing

E-shop Thinking Objects - Tim Parsons, AVA Publishing

Thinking Objects - Tim Parsons, AVA Publishing

35,10 €

Thinking Objects - Tim Parsons, AVA Publishing je v e-shopu Knihyprekazdeho v kategorii knihy za cenu 35,10 €. Všechny knihy koupíte online v internetovém obchodě Knihyprekazdeho, kde máme další zboží od značky Slovart.

Kategórie: Knihy

Product Description Thinking Objects: Contemporary Approaches to Product Design is an innovative, wide-ranging guide to great product design. This book reveals how designers can learn to read the signals an object sends, interpret meaning, discover historical context and use those messages in their own new product designs. Globalisation, technology, the media and the need for a sustainable future are all part of contemporary product design. This comprehensive guide helps students and designers everywhere to incorporate these influences and more. Thinking Objects: Contemporary Approaches to Product Design provides an essential reference tool that will enable the reader to find their own style and succeed in the industry.

Obchod Knihyprekazdeho
Kategórie Knihy
Značka Slovart

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